Nate's Kidney Blog

Welcome to Nate's Kidney Blog. This is intended to be a way for friends and family to stay updated on my condition. Please read and comment when felt led.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh the life of a kidney patient...

Yeah if only I was sitting in my dialysis chair, that would be awesome!! Some of you have wondered how things are going with the kidney and I am happy to tell you... they are pretty much the same. My dad, thankfully, is still compatible through the many tests that he has already gone through. I am still on dialysis three days a week for four and a half hours. So it has become pretty routine.

There have been some pretty cool things that have happened lately that I have not yet shared. For those of you that know me well know that I have never really enjoyed reading. It has always seemed to be like a chore, I hated it. Well this summer has brought a big change in that area. I am really starting to enjoy reading, so much so that I am having a hard time putting some books down.
Do you guys remember watching Reading Rainbow?
If you're looking for a great summer read that will keep you up until odd hours of the night because you can't put the book down, then check out Swarm by Frank Schatzing and Deception Point by Down Brown. These books do a great job of grabbing your attention, keeping it throughout the whole book, and then leaves you grasping for more. But of course...Don't take my word for it... dun dun dunt

I have also been able to be more active too. I have been able to go to the gym a few times recently and start riding the bike and lifting some weights again. I am really excited about this because I hate just sitting around sometimes because of my health.

I want to thank all of you again for you constant prayers. As wrong as this is, there are times when I wake up early to go to dialysis and I feel alone. But then it is like God taps me on my shoulder and turns my head to my closet. As I see the stars on the doors, I am reminded of the faithful prayer warriors that you are. Thank you sooooo much for keeping me close.