Nate's Kidney Blog

Welcome to Nate's Kidney Blog. This is intended to be a way for friends and family to stay updated on my condition. Please read and comment when felt led.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Two and a half months ago, I was living a seemingly normal healthy life. Then God decided to answer a prayer. It is funny how sometimes it seems God answers prayers almost immediately and then there are times when it takes years. Some of you know that after graduation, I had a hard time getting going in life. It felt as though my prayers were returning to me unanswered. I wouldn’t say that I was experiencing a time of desolation because God was still alive and active in my life. But I did feel tired, both physically and spiritually. It was as though NASA had forgotten to fuel the Space Shuttle. I was willing and ready but I just wasn’t launching.

As I look back at this, a few things are beginning to become a little clearer. It is not necessarily a bad thing that I felt God not doing anything. It just wasn’t the right time. Some of you might be saying, “Nate, what do you mean it wasn’t the right time?” Well, I think God kept Himself “hidden” so that I would learn the importance of seeking after Him more. It really is amazing what you learn when you do what He wants.

Remember how I said that sometimes God takes a long time to answer prayers? Well, as I was seeking Him, I felt as though He was nudging my spirit into a posture of willingness to be used. So in response I prayed that He would use me in any way. Well… I got my answer!!!

I have a lot of time to think during dialysis. One thing that keeps coming back to me is the thought of being used by God to bring glory to him just like a carpenter uses tools to perfect His masterpiece. I know that in someway somehow God is going to use my failed kidney for his glory.

This makes me think on a larger scale. Sometimes when “bad” things happen, people cry out to God with questions. Just look at 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina. Both were travesties in their own respects. Mine is just the fact that I have no kidneys. But in any case, God seems to use those events to bring the focus back on Himself. So when I get discouraged about the monotony of my life right now, I can be thankful that God chose to USE me.

So what am I saying in this entry? Well I hope it is an encouragement. Sometimes we don’t know why God feels distant or why it seems as though He isn’t listening. Well I would venture to say that maybe it isn’t the right time yet. Or maybe God is trying to help you regain your focus on Him and who He is. Or just maybe God is giving you a much-needed Rest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nate! It is only a week since I read on the capernwray site that you are sick and now it has become a daily thing for me to go in and read your blog. You are in my prayers Nate!!! Keep smiling:) Love, Karianne (your friend in Norway who loves you:)

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nate,

We've never met but I'm your Dad's cousin Mary in Minnesota. I've been reading your blog and Tom and Kay had been sending me updates on your condition. It's exciting to hear that your blood count has been increasing. I've been keeping Aunt Berna & Uncle Augie posted and you are in our thoughts and prayers every day!! I'm going to visit them today for Mother's day. Please say hello to your Mom & Dad and Grandma Evie & Grandpa Harold for us. Take care and keep that wonderful, positive attitude.

Love, Mary

10:43 AM  

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