Nate's Kidney Blog

Welcome to Nate's Kidney Blog. This is intended to be a way for friends and family to stay updated on my condition. Please read and comment when felt led.

Friday, May 05, 2006

There is a funny thing that has been happening lately. Every week I make it up to Biola to see my girlfriend, sister, and maybe some friends. While I am up there I always tend to run into someone that I haven't seen in a long time. They have generally heard of what has happened and about 90% of them come up to me with a shocked look on their faces. This is kind of peculiar to me until I realize that the reason they are so shocked to see me is, oh yeah, I don't have any kidneys!! They are also shocked to see me because they imagine that with my condition I should be in bed not doing anything with a little bell at my bedside. So then I began into a practically memorized story of what has been going on, the praises and the hopes... It has sadly almost become monotonous.
Early yesterday morning my girlfriend Amy and I were talking about this. She asked me how I was doing and I began to go into my story. Quickly, however, she stopped me and said, "No Nate, how are YOU doing?" So this got me thinking. How am I really doing?
I honestly don't know. I don't think I realize the reality of everything. Yes it is hard, yes it is boring, and yes I can't wait to have a transplant. But those realities are that if I don't go to dialysis four times a week, I could be damaging myself; if I don't take it easy and wait for the doctors orders, I could be damaging myself; and if I don't trust God knowing that He is in control of everything, I could be damaging myself.
My biggest prayer request this week is that I will be able to introspectively look into myself and really know how I am doing.

Thank you all for everything!!!


Blogger Crystal Kirch said...

Nate!!! you're amazing! you are always in my prayers... keep me updated!

11:38 PM  

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