Nate's Kidney Blog

Welcome to Nate's Kidney Blog. This is intended to be a way for friends and family to stay updated on my condition. Please read and comment when felt led.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

This past weekend I ran into an old classmate of mine from Biola. We hadn't seen eachother in about a year so naturally we asked the all encompassing question, "Hey man, how have you been?" Unfortunately for him, I let him answer first. He had no clue what I was about to say. When he finished telling me about his recent marriage and job change, he asked about me. And this is what I said...

"Well I have had a pretty interesting year so far. I started the year working at Starbucks and looking forward to going back to school when things got turned upside down. I told him that in February I started having a hard time breathing. My chest was really tight and with every breath pain shot all throughout my rib cage. This pain increased so much that on Sunday Feb. 19, my girlfriend called the ambulance and I was rushed to the hospital. It was there that I was diagnosed with having acute renal failure. Basically my kidney had failed! Not only that, but it was found that I was only born with one kidney. Talk about a wake-up call!! I had absolutely no idea."

I must say, the first few days in the hospital were very eye opening. First of all, I have never liked hospitals. I hate the smell, I hate the feeling of depression whenever I walk into one, and now I was the patient. Every doctor that came in and saw me continued to pour on new information that would have to be understood at a later time. Honestly, a lot of it simply passed through one ear and out the other. So after a week in the hospital I was ready to leave.

So where am I now?
This new chapter that I was beginning was going to be a hard one. I am currently attending dialysis four times a week for four hours intermixed with doctors appointments. Since leaving the hospital in Feb. my hemoglobin (red blood cells) count has been low. So much so that the doctors are baffled at the cause of this problem. Two weeks ago my doctor admitted me into the hospital where I received another blood transfusion. I was also the beneficiary of a bone marrow biopsy. The reason for this fun adventure was to see if I was actually producing new red blood cells and to see if it was cancerous. I am happy to announce that the findings were very good. I do not have cancer!! However, for some reason the mature red blood cells are not exiting the bone marrow.
So now I am patiently waiting the results of additional blood tests to find out what is really going on with my body.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nate,
I have not met you, but your mom and I are classmates. I want you to know that I am praying for you and that you are loved. Together the army of prayer warriors surround you in prayer. God has you in the palm of his hand. Think of it this way---
God is creating a huge testimony through this test of HIS healing power! He's got a wonderful ministry waiting for you--just get through the war:)
Pam Johnson

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nate!
I'm not sure if you remember me or not... I was the short, energetic one that helped at your camp in Santa Rosa and later visited you guys in San Jose. I was actually just thinking about you the other day, wondering how you were doing. Anyways I just saw a link to this page and didn't believe it was you, but I had to check. I'm SOOOO sorry. You're definitely in my prayers. Prayer is what can win the war. Take care and God bless.
Your Sister in Christ,
Becky O'Leary

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nate Dawg,

I ran into your blog while surfing the net at work. All I can say is that I'm amazed at the outpouring of love for you. I was thinking of you this past weekend. I'll give you a call later on. Keep fighting bro. Love ya,

Your brother forever.

Timmy Link

5:18 PM  

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